
Love for fashion, style turns into ministry

WALTON — Lynnae Bussell, 47, of Walton has always had a knack for fashion and style. A wife, mother of two daughters and Christian, she has a real heart for women’s ministry, too.
So, about two years ago she left her full-time administrative job to combine her two loves. Bussell is a Christian image consultant and professional speaker. She calls her business Timeless Beauty By His Design.
“I wanted to do something more meaningful and share my faith with other women,” she said. “My goal is to help women realize that they’re beautiful inside and out. I really enjoy the connections I’ve made with people so far.”
From clothing analysis and closet organizing to personal shopping Bussell assists her clients in discovering their self confidence and the ability to reflect their personal beauty and style personality, she explained. Her services are available for individuals or groups.
Priscilla Roberts of Alexandria has been impressed with Bussell’s ability to connect with women and help them feel better about themselves. Roberts, chapter president of Upsilon Delta Kappa Gamma, has invited Bussell to participate at the organization’s events.
“During the time that I have known Lynnae, I recognize the dedication, desire and passion she possesses,” she said. “She’s personable and very kind. I admire her integrity. I’ve seen her work make a difference in women’s lives.”
Bussell received training and became a certified Christian image consultant through courses offered by author and professional speaker Shari Braendel. She said she is currently the only consultant in the state.
Through workshops or individual sessions she offers tips on color assessment, body type assessment, accessorizing and understanding style personality.
“Every woman has a specific style and personality, that’s how God made them,” she said.
She also takes the time to share her faith.
“It’s a ministry too. I’ve been told that I’m the Christian version of ‘What Not to Wear,’” Bussell said of her business.
“Women have so many roles, wife, mother and professional. Having a close relationship with God makes that easier. I’ve struggled in these roles, but God has been with me. I want to be a light for women, to help them feel better about themselves and who they are.”
The article is from http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2013306280081

