
Compassionate Fashion: 9 Gorgeous Made-In-New-York Dresses By Nanette Lepore

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Compassionate Fashion: 9 Gorgeous Made-In-New-York Dresses By Nanette Lepore

I’m well acquainted with designer Nanette Lepore because I’ve lusted after many of her gorgeous dresses while browsing the racks at my favorite department stores. But before I read the amazing book Overdressed, I didn’t know that Lepore was one of the few designers who still produces the majority of her clothing in the USA — to be exact, 80% of her line is made in New York City. This manufacturing decision comes at a price: most of her pieces retail for between $250 and $400, but you’re paying for good craftsmanship, better fabric quality, and the assurance that the people who make your clothes are being compensated fairly. If you’ve been saving up for a really special dress, I would suggest taking a gander at Nanette Lepore’s offerings. Click through to check out some of my favorites!
The article is from http://www.thefrisky.com/2013-06-28/compassionate-fashion-9-gorgeous-made-in-new-york-dresses-by-nanette-lepore/

