
John Wall wants to be an NBA fashion icon

Lifestyle website Refinery29 put together a D.C. “30 under 30″ list, and included John Wall. According to the site’s description, the list was designed to “pay tribute to the Washingtonians who make our city — maybe even our world — a better place (and by “better,” we also mean cooler, tastier, more beautiful, and more creative).” I’m going to assume that Wall qualified under the “cooler” requirement.
As part of the feature they asked Wall a few questions, and it turns out that one of Wall’s career goals is to be “an NBA fashion icon.” Dream big.
Here are a few of Wall’s answers. You can see the full writeup here.
Tell us the true-life tale of the last completely awesome thing you did.
“I recently took lessons and played golf for the first time.”
Tell us a little about your career goals. Any creative endeavors on the horizon?
“Win a championship, and be an NBA All-Star; work on movies; be an NBA fashion icon.”
If you could switch lives with anyone else under 30, who would it be?
“Lil Wayne. [He’s my] favorite rapper, and he set goals at a young age and achieved them.”
Which celebrity would play you in the movie version of your life?
“Jamie Foxx. He’s a talented actor and avid sports fan.”
The article is from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dc-sports-bog/wp/2013/06/24/john-wall-wants-to-be-an-nba-fashion-icon/

